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"Centro Mafia" Formed in 2012 by "Nike bikies" centro bandido member's gradually gained a fearsome reputation in a war of bullets with rivial Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs and Extorition within the Gym,Restaurant,Construction industry. The group were formed as muscle for the club and was lead by Ex President of the Brisbane Centro Bandido Chapter George Bejat and Once Hells Angel and former Bandido member Lawrence Roberts and Australian's most wanted bikie Brett Peachy who was apprehended when he returned from Bali.

It is believed that there are 19 members within the OMCG all with distinct half spider web tattoo's on their left hand symbolising the ranks within clubs colours.

In 2013 6 members were arrested in relations of offences such as *Extortion, Armed Robbery, Trafficking and Money laundring.

It is also believe that the group were also connected with Anthony Perish before Underbelly: Badness and Victorian Bandido Toby Mitchell.

In 2014 11 members including Roberts handed in their club colours now living within the community.