Baal's Caress

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Quietus 4

A refinement of the blood poisoning of the Scorpion's Touch, Baal's Caress allows the vampire to transmute her blood into a virulent ichor that destroys any living or undead flesh it touches instead of simply causing weakness. One usually does so by coating a bladed weapon with the blood poison, and Cainite veterans of the Reconquista and Crusades report stories of the Assamite warriors licking their blades to lubricate them with this foul secretion as they ride into battle.

Baal's Caress may be used to augment any bladed weapon. Everything from poisoned knives and swords to tainted fingernails and claws has been reported.

System: No roll is necessary to transmute the blood to poison. The player simply decides how many points to transmute and coats any blades weapon. The blood-poison is stick and highly concentrated (something like a thick black sap), so it can be used to coat even an arrowhead. Claws and fingernails can also be coated.

For as long as the blade is coated, the weapon's damage becomes aggravated. Every successful strike (even if it inflicts no damage because of soak with Fortitude) expends one blood point from the total coated on the weapon. Therefore, it is in the interest of a warrior to coat a sword or knife with a goodly amount of blood, but more than one point spent on an arrow is wasted. If the attacker misses outright, no blood-poison is consumed.