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“Blóð af jotunnum,” which means literally “giant’s blood,” describes a quality peculiar to the Gods and demigods of the Norse pantheon. In ancient days, the Norse Gods intermingled with the giants from whom they took the World, blending their blood with their enemies’ blood. Today, that legacy breeds true in the bloodlines of those Gods’ scions. By shedding a measure of her blood (i.e., suffering a single health level of lethal damage) and spending Divinity, a godling can use that blood to bestow a hint of the giants’ legendary strength and toughness.

Mortals and animals who receive this endowment from a deity remain loyal to that god thereafter, though they become surly and short-tempered with everyone else. This loyalty lasts for a limited time and must be renewed periodically by a fresh infusion of the scion’s blood. If the limited time lapses and the demigod doesn’t renew the recipient’s loyalty, the recipient turns feral but keeps the physical bonuses. Once that happens, any god-born with appropriate dominion of Blóð af jotunnum can re-endow the feral being and claim its loyalty for his own.

The endowments granted by these powers cannot be stacked on the same character, even if a deity is re-endowing a feral being. They can, however, be replaced by higher-dot powers under this Dominion. That is, a deity cannot endow the same person twice with this dominion’s two-dot bonus in order to give the person four free Attribute dots. (That would cost more Divinity points anyway.) If he wants the person to have more free Attribute dots, he’ll have to re-endow that person with a Blóð af jotunnum power rated at three dots or higher. If the deity re-endows a person with a Blóð af jotunnum power rated less than or equal to the last one that affected the character after that person’s previous loyalty lapses, that deity claims that person’s loyalty but has no effect on the recipient’s Attributes.

Finally, the god-born cannot use these powers to bestow free Attribute dots on (or to claim the loyalty of) titan-spawn, their fellow deities or other supernatural beings.


A legacy of giants’ blood runs in the veins of all Norse Gods and their offspring. By shedding some of that blood, an Avatar that pantheon can empower an animal or a mortal human (known as a berserk) and ensure that recipient's loyalty. Avatar's of demigod status can do so to a much greater extent than Avatars of mere heroic status, but when they do, they risk forever damaging the minds of anyone to whom they expose this blood.

Powers of Blóð af jotunnum

-- Imbue the Beast
●● -- Humanity's Endowment
●●● -- Warrior's Augmentation
●●●● -- Endow the God Beast
●●●●● -- Heroic Augmentation
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