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●●●●●● -- BEAST-FORM

Dice Pool: Stamina + Animal Ken
Cost: 1 Willpower + 1 Divinity
Description: In one action, the character transforms into a specimen of his chosen animal. The character’s Physical Attributes are normal for a mundane specimen of the animal he’s become, but his Mental Attributes remain his own. He also retains access to his Epic Mental Attributes and Knacks, though his other Epic Attributes are off limits until he regains his human form. He can communicate with other animals of his type. Other Avatars who use Beast Speech can understand him perfectly clearly. He is immune to other Avatar’ uses of Command the Beast or Bestial Possession.

If the player has purchased this Power several times to represent different animals, the character can change from one animal form directly to another, but the player must make the roll and spend the points anew for each change. While a character is using this Power, he cannot use Bestial Mutation or Imitate Totem.