Avatar/ Genius (mage V20)

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Mage Information -M- Avatar

Avatar/ Genius

Awakening defines the mage. Whether she refers to it as some mystic inner god or the scientifically explainable Enlightenment of higher consciousness, the Avatar or Genius allows a willworker to do the things she does. Some Avatars, though, are more potent and effective than others. This Trait measures your Awakened self, reflects its ability to shift and hold Quintessence, and determines how real it is in your character’s perceptions.

Every mage character has an Avatar of some kind; unless you purchase at least one dot in this Trait, however, your ability to actually do much with your magick is extremely limited. Although your magick-casting rolls are based on Arete, not the Avatar, your character won’t be able to use Quintessence to aid her spells. A mage’s ability to absorb or employ Quintessence is based on the Avatar Trait. (See the Quintessence Trait entry, pp.331-333.) Her higher self, too, is weak – more of an ember than a bonfire. A high Avatar/ Genius rating, though, reflects a higher self whose distinct personality seems very real to the mage in question.

X -- An ephemeral Avatar hardly capable of magick.
• -- A notable presence that lets you absorb or expend one point of Quintessence.
•• -- A dynamic presence that lets you absorb or expend two points of Quintessence.
••• -- A discernible entity that lets you absorb or expend three points of Quintessence.
•••• -- A potent spirit that lets you absorb or expend four points of Quintessence.
••••• -- A powerful force of Enlightenment that lets you absorb or expend five points of Quintessence.