Aura Absorption

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Mytherceria 3

This power works much like the Auspex power of The Spirit's Touch. The Kiasyd must touch or pick up the object being read. Instead of just receiving and interpreting the psychic impressions left on the object by the last person who came in contact with it, the Kiasud absorbs the impressions into her mind. This leaves her with a very clear interpretation of the aura, and wipes the object "psychically clean" so no one coming afterwards can get an impression from the item by using this ability or Auspex. Kiasud also use this power to make their own possession of an object.

System: The player must make a Perception + Empathy roll, for which the difficulty is determined by the Storyteller's assessment of the age of the impressions and the mental and spiritual strength of the person who left them.

The number of successes determines the amount of information gained, both in terms of images of the scene when the object was being held or touched, and the nature of the person who was holding the object. One scene-type image and one aspect of the person's identity (Nature, Demeanor, aura, name, sex, or age) becomes clear for each success the player garners on the roll.

Anyone attempting to use this power or The Spirit's Touch on the same object subsequently must accumulate more successes than the Kiasyd did to get any impression at all. The first Kiasyd's successes subtract from the number of successes scored by anyone subsequently trying to read the object thereafter.