Attuned Taste

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Physical Merits & Flaws

2 point Merit

For whatever reason, your character finds blood magic instinctive - more so than for most Tremere. When you taste blood, you can naturally taste the subtle currents and occult correspondences in the vitae. To you, it's not even magic; it's just a heightened state of taste stemming from the Embrace.

When you taste blood, you may automatically glean one fact about the source, as per the Level One Path of Blood power, A taste for Blood (Vampire: The Masquerade, pp. 178-179). No blood cost or roll is required; the vampire simply garners information as if with one success. You may still choose to use the Path itself in order to gain more specific information, in which case the normal systems apply and the results, in which case the normal systems apply and the results of the Discipline use supersede this affinity.

This affinity is not always beneficial - your character may accidentally taste undercurrents of fear, extraordinary power or poison in vitae, and such tastes can cause nausea or incapacitation at the Storyteller's discretion. this sensitivity cannot be turned off.