Armor of Caine's Fury

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Warrior Valeren 4

Warrior Salubri, in their crusades against the Baali, frequently invoke this power; it surrounds them with a shining halo reminiscent of crimson mail. The phantom armor created by this ability protects the crusader against most sources of physical injury; it also keeps him or her from entering Rotschreck due to an ongoing battle, when such a frenzy of fear would lead him into greater danger. The Ventrue clan in particular is said to envy the Salubri for this ability, and a few Ventrue princes have welcomed Warrior Salubri into their domains on the strength of the Salubri's ability to teach this power.

System: The player spends one blood point and rolls Stamina + Melee (difficulty 7). for each success, the character gains one point of armor protection against bashing and lethal damage, to a maximum of five points of protection. Additionally, for every two successes rolled, she gains an additional die to resist Rotschreck from the effects of battle (but not fire or sunlight). This power works for one scene.