Angelus Statistics

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Angelus Lacrimarum

Created: Summer of 211 C.E.
Creator: Gyges the Archimage
Circa: 1000 C.E.
Nature: Bravo
Demeanor: Enigma
Apparent Age: Indeterminate
Physical: Strength 6, Dexterity 5, Stamina 9
Social: Charisma 6, Manipulation 6, Appearance 5
Mental: Perception 6, Intelligence 7, Wits 6
Talents: Alertness 5 (being watched, groups, environmental changes), Athletics 1, Brawl 1 (punches), Dodge 5 (aerial, great leap, obstacles), Empathy 5 (inspiration, predictable behavior, sense fear), Expression 3 (body language, poetry), Intimidation 2 (none verbal threats), Leadership 1, Legerdemain 5 (concealment, palming small items, picking purses), Subterfuge 5 (black mail, false incrimination, misdirection)
Skills: Animal Ken 1, Commerce 5 (create market, evaluation, swindling)[stolen goods], Crafts 4 (blacksmithing, ornate iron work), Etiquette 5 (criminal, family traditions, local customs), Melee 4 (daggers, swords), Performance 5 (harp, lute, singing), Stealth 5 (architectural camouflage, blind-spots, heights), Survival 1 (tracking)
Knowledges: Academics 5 (trivium, quadrivium), Hearth Wisdom 3 (Bulgarian, wards), Investigation 2 (search), Law 1 (church), Linguistics 4 (dialects, slang), Medicine 2 (poison treatment), Occult 5 (curses, vampires, wizards), Politics 3 (city, religious), Seneschal 1 (guild assets), Theology 5 (Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Akritai)
Sorcerous Paths:
Backgrounds: Allies, Angeli Filii 5, Arcane, Contacts, Fame 3 (hearth tales), Guild, Influence, Resources, Retainers, Status
Virtues: Conviction 1, Self-Control 1, Courage 1
Road: Do stone angels need them? (Path of Vengeance 1)
Willpower: 8
Health Levels: Ok x 3, -1 x 3, -2 x 3, -3, incapacitated, destroyed. Once destroyed, the angel's body dissipates and reforms at a later date, until the curse is resolved.
Armor: +3B / +5L / +2A
Attacks: As per weapon. Punch (difficulty: normal, damage: Strength +1 - bashing). Wing Buffet (difficulty: normal, damage: strength - bashing).
Powers: Paralyzing Stare, Petrification, Transformation, Image Animation, Stolen Voice, Reform
Horror Factor: The angel's horror factor works very much like Wraithy's Fog or the Mists of the Changlings.
Merits: Silence (1pt - supernatural)