Ancestral Soil Dependence

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Supernatural Merits & Flaws

2 point Flaw

Dependence on their native soil hampered the Tzimisce's flight from Eastern Europe. Even a few childer sired elsewhere required the soil of a homeland they had never visited, making them particularly vulnerable to enemies who knew of this weakness. In the modern nights, rapid transportation makes such a threat much less severe, but even childer sired generations after their ancestors relocated occasionally manifest this Flaw.

The will of the spirits from the ancestral Tzimisce homeland weighs heavy on your blood — soil from a place important to you as a mortal won't do. You actually need two handfuls of the tainted Eastern European soil of the Tzimisce homeland.

Ancestral Soil Dependence most commonly manifests in the childer of koldun and the branch of the clan thought to be descended from Yorak. Characters Embraced in Eastern Europe can't take this Flaw (they're already dependent on the local soil).