Amravati's Statistics

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7th generation Asamite, childe of Selim Sadik Uzun. Embraced 1649, Born 1599.

Str 3, Dex 5, Sta 6, Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Appearance 2, Wits 5, Intelligence 6, Perception 6.

Talents: Expression: 4 / Alertness: 6 / Athletics: 4 / Brawl 4 / Dodge: 5 / Empathy: 4 / Intimidation: 4 / Leadership: 4 / Streetwise: 3 / Subterfuge: 6 / Dream: 4 / Meditation: 5 Skills: Animal Ken: 3 / Drive: 1 / Etiquette: 5 / Firearms: 2 / Melee: 4 / Performance: 5 / Crafts: 5 (jeweler, weaponsmith, brewing) / Security: 4 / Stealth: 5 / Survival: 3 / Style: 3 / Instruction: 4 / Archery: 3 / Ride 3 Knowledge: Academics: 6 / Computer 3 / Finance 3 / Investigation: 4 / Law 3 / Linguistics: 6 / Ancient Languages 4 / Medicine: 4 / Occult: 6 / Politics: 5 / Science: 5 (Astronomy) / Rituals: 6 (Spirits, charms, enchanting objects) / Enigmas: 5 / Memory: 5 / Cosmology: 5 (Djinni)

Disciplines: Obfuscate 5, Quietus 6, Dur'An'Ki 6, Auspex 6, Dominate 4, Presence 5, Celerity 4, Fortitude 5, Obtenebration 4.
Dur'an'ki paths: Alchemey 5, blood 5, Covenant of Nergal 5, Focused Mind 4, Hunter's Winds 5, Music of the Spheres 5, Spirit Manipulation 4, Transitus Velocitor 3, Weather Control 5.
Rituals: Most known dur'an'ki rituals, as well as several unique rituals.

Backgrounds: Generation 6, Allies 4, Contacts 5 (mystics around the middle east), Retianers 5 (accolytes), Influence 3 (Medicine in Istanbul), Herd 5 (terminal patients), Resources 5, Fame 2 (ancient sorcerer of the Islamic world).

Path of Lillith 8, Conviction 5, Self Control 5, Courage 3, Willpower 10, Blood Pool 20.