Alicia Lapasse

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Paris -P- Nosferatu

Sobriquet: Alice

Behavior: Alice is very quiet and reserved. She is very bright, but doesn't like to bring attention to herself, especially now that she is truly hideous. If someone would ever get inside her guard to talk to, she would never stop talking.

Appearance: Alice dresses nicely, but is still a hideous nosferatu. She keeps her hair well combed, but can't keep herself clean walking through the sewers.

History: Alice was born to middle class parents outside of Paris. She took art classes at University, and did very well. Her paintings were starting to take off and sell when one night she was hit by a speeding car. Alice was thrown to the road, broken and torn up. After three months in the hospital, Alice was released.

The doctors had done all they could, but the damage to her skin and musculature would never heal completely. Alice would be hideous for life. In the depths of her pain Alice was an even greater painter. Now her pain was reflected in her work. One night Alain was talking with Carla Gagnon about Alicia's paintings. The two exchanged whispers about who should embrace this visionary artist, until they saw her in the crowd. Both were repulsed, and made a point of going to tell the artist that she missed out on a great gift, because of her looks. Alicia was horrified, and ran from the room.

Unknown to all of them she was being watched from afar by Fra'Raymond. Seeing her tears, he went to her and offered her the opportunity to make them pay for all eternity by being able to continue to paint and rub it in their faces. Alice took him up on it.
