Alfred Benezri

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Sabbat -x- Montreal -x- Panders

Caitiff Alfred Benezri.jpg

Sobriquet: Archbishop, Judge Inquisitor, Ductus.

Appearance: Alfred is a tall man with dark skin. His eyes are a piercing blue. He wears clothes from the Middle East, typically robes made of silk. Alfred mostly feeds from members of the Arab and Iranian community in Montreal.

Behavior: Alfred is haunted by his responsibilities. He puts up the front of a strong and competent leader to hid his melancholic heart. He has been made uncomfortable by the support of the Queens of Mercy because of his traditional feelings on gender relations.

History: Originally from Syria, Benezri fled his homeland after his sire was destroyed by other Kindred before she could reveal to him his Clan. As one of the Clanless, he managed to reach Montreal, where the Sabbat accepted him. Proving himself a poet and political pragmatist, Benezri was vital for the construction of the modern Sabbat Inquisition, in special for the system of rotating leadership.

Originally a supporter of Sangris, Benezri became worried by the arrival fo Ezekiel after Sangris' trial, fearing that he would turn Montreal in another Black Hand dominated city. He began to work in effort to achieve the rank of Archbishop, pushing the Sabbat against the Camarilla while preaching further of his Path of Enlightenment, the Path of Redemption. Alfred seeks to understand God through the melody of his words. He tortures mortals to record their dying utterances.

Benezri was eventually made archbishop, particularly through his management of the various packs that traveled through the city and his blackmail of the former archbishop Carolina Valez, after the former had found herself at a trial by the Inquisition and Benezri defended her. After a formal Monomacy, Benezri was able to assume the title.

When a fragment of the Book of Nod appeared in Montreal that told of the End Times, Benezri was forced by Knight-Inquisitor Mercy to step against the Sabbat pack named the Librarians, whose member Christanius had stolen the fragment. Uncomfortable with this, as he was secretly in love with the pack leader, he was reluctant to work against them, leading to a series of trials from his own organization and, after the issue was solved, leaving his power structure severely weakened.

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