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Ventrue -x- Paris -x- Paris -- medieval -x- Talk:Lineage of Mithras

Ventrue Alexander.jpg

Sobriquet: Alexander (of Paris)

Appearance: In appearance, he's a 16 year old, as beautiful as a classic Greek god, golden, curly hair. He is described as beardless youth, his classically sculpted face framed in dark ringlets, his lovely eyes outrageously long-lashed, dark brown flecked with hints of amber.


History: Alexander, frequently called Alexander of Paris for being the ultimate Prince of that city after the fall of Rome, was a Fourth Generation Ventrue embraced as a youth by the Ventrue Antediluvian. His clan weakness only allowed him to feed from women who were in love (but not married). He was ultimately destroyed in 1232 by the Gangrel warlord Qarakh - while the latter was infused by the power of the slavic deity Telyavel.

He endured many hardships during his unlife and grew overconfident with age, eventually travelling to Paris, and becoming the Prince of that city for many centuries after the fall of Rome. In Paris he created his Grand Court which he ruled utilizing fear and justice with the cooperation of several Toreador Elders. Taking the Frankish family of Charlemagne under his wing around 800 AD, he supported the creation of the Holy Roman Empire - but as time went on, his rule became tyrannical and his obsession and jealousy ran rampant.

Saviarre arrived during the 11th century , it brought a lot of ideas and advice to Alexander. However, after he destroyed his consort Lorraine (childe of Queen Salianna), in a fit of jealous rage after she had fled him, he earned a reputation of destroying the things that he loved the most. This led the Toreador to conspire against him and, with the aid of his childer Geoffrey du Temple, Alexander was overthrown and banished from the territories of the Courts of Love in 1222.

Spending some time in Heidelberg to recuperate and petition Hardestadt for asylum, Alexander later took refuge in Magdeburg, the German city ruled by Lord Jurgen, where he plotted to win his domain back. He supported Jürgen's war against the Transylvanian Tzimisce and was awarded with the honorary domain of Finsterbach.

In his quest to win the backing of Lord Hardestadt, he waged war against the Ferals of Livonia. There, he was defeated in battle by their leader, the Mongol Gangrel Qarakh, who committed diablerie on him while channeling the power of the god Telyavel, with the assistance of Deverra and the Telyavelic Tremere.

Rest in Peace: