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Garou Auspices



Ahroun is one of the five Auspices under which a Garou may be born. The Full Moon makes the Ahroun the living weapon of Gaia. They are the warrior among a race of warriors, the champion of a martial people. Ever ready to kill, and to die if need be.


The Garou are a race designed for war, and among the five Auspices the Ahroun best reflect that original purpose. They also begin with the most Rage, the primal anger that Luna has granted them to protect Gaia. In a sense their nature is a simpler one, as their task is a clear and narrowly defined one. They may act as soldiers or grunts, war leaders or Warders, but universally their claws are soaked in blood and they are the ones to act first when a battle is at hand. Their affinity for warfare is not merely in their Rage and their Gifts, rather it is also in their instincts and their mind. They are innately suited to war including tactics and strategy - a good warrior is not just one who fights well, but 'effectively'. Within a pack the job of the Ahroun is to take charge in the midst of battle and to protect their packmates.

The most important form of Renown for Ahroun to gain is Glory followed by Honor; Wisdom is considered tertiary to their sacred task. As Glory is the form of Renown that is most quickly obtained, Ahroun tend to ascend in Rank more quickly than others. That said, they rarely achieve the higher ranks due to their high mortality rates. Although the Garou as a whole have a high mortality rate, Ahroun lead in that respect. Thus, an Ahroun that makes to the status of Elder is a rare beast, and also an awe-inspiring one. In fact, it is said that an Elder Ahroun is one of the most dangerous creatures alive. Some tribes - such as the Silver Fangs - regard Ahroun with greater importance, allowing only they to become King. Among Sept positions, the ones they are most likely to be found in are those of the Wyrm Foe and the Warder.

Ahroun of the waxing moon (that is, the night before the true full moon) are considered more straightforward and a more fervent seeker of Glory; those of the waning moon are considered to be more concerned with asserting dominance.