Ahriman's Demesne

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Obtenebration 9

This power allows the vampire to summon a darkness so obliviating that it extinguishes the light of life - or unlife - of any victim trapped within it. Ahriman's Demesne creates a 50-foot radius void that issues from the Cainite's hand and takes away the bodies of those it claims when it vanishes. The overwhelming darkness destroys friend and foe alike, claiming anyone unfortunate enough to be within its circumference.

System: The player spends two points of Willpower and concentrates for three turns. During this time, the blackness billows out of the character's hand, growing to fill the area. At the end of the third turn, the player rolls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 6). Everyone in the darkness' area suffers that many health levels of aggravated damage (not dice). After Ahriman's Demesne does its damage, it collapses, taking with it the bodies of any who died when they came in contact with the dreadful shadow.