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Protean 9

Members of the Gangrel clan are survivors first and foremost, and the most ancient of Methuselahs might exemplify this through the power of Adaptation. This power gives the Gangrel's body over to its own survival instinct, with free rein over the power of shapeshifting. A Gangrel with Adaptation is all but impossible to destroy, unless she runs out of blood.

System: Activating Adaptation requires the expenditure of a Willpower point. The power lasts until it is consciously cancelled or until the character runs out of blood. Adaptation causes the character to alter her body automatically and instinctually in response to outside stimuli, in order to survive whatever hardship might befall her. Just how these shifts occur is up to the Storyteller, but each change costs one point of blood and takes from one to three turns to complete. For example, should the character fall off a tall cliff, her body softens to absorb the impact. In a fire, blood runs to the surface of the skin to boil away before the flames can touch the skin. Should the character flee or chase her prey, her legs lengthen and grow more muscular. In combat, her heart is protected behind body shields and her arms lengthen and strengthen. The Gangrel's body also shifts to avoid damage and heal wounds, as described under Shape of the Inner Beast. The possibilities are endless and in each case, the Storyteller must be prepared to assign the game effects of the shift.

From Shape of the Inner Beast:
"First, the Beast infuses the vampire's frame with unearthly strength and vigor, adding three dots each to Strength and Stamina. In addition, the vampire grows talons on hands and feet as Talons of the Beast, and her maw distends so that biting becomes easier, making grappling unnecessary for a bite attack. The Beast is able to subtly reshape the body of the Gangrel instinctually, repairing damage and shying away from attacks. The Beast also possesses superior senses. In game terms, the Gangrel receives two additional dice to both Perception and Dodge, gains two additional soak dice (usable with any type of damage), and regenerates a single lethal level of damage at the end of each turn without blood expenditure.