A Perfect World

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Presence 9

This manifestation of Presence is one of the most dangerous — not only to those affected, but also to the user herself. With it, she affects an exceptional number of people, either a huge city or an entire barony, forcing all to act toward making the area the perfect representation of the character’s dream. The only Cainite known to possess this power was the Toreador Michael, Patriarch of Constantinople, and it not only drove him mad but also indirectly led to the chaos, death and destruction that afflicted his city when the Fourth Crusade reached it.

System: The exact effects of his power are best left up to the Storyteller. In general, all mortals and Cainites of sixth generation or higher work toward making the area correspond with the ideals of the user. Each month, the player rolls Charisma + Empathy (difficulty 7). If a character has a good reason not to work toward the user’s dream, her player may spend a point of Willpower and roll Willpower, difficulty 6. If she gains more successes than the user, she can act normally, but only for one night. The next night, the expenditure and roll must be repeated. Theoretically, this power can be turned off — but why?

A Perfect World can also be used in torpor.