7/23/13 - how to prepare for a holocaust?

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Mina's Story

There is much to be done to save as many as I can in the coming struggle. I know that Gustavas will not waist this chance to hurt those that hurt him so badly, and I want to be prepared. If our plans work he should no longer be prince when it is done, and we may be able to mitigate the coming “Bulgaria” movement, but if. Not, I don't want the rom to be wiped out. S I am talking to people, letting them know I have a place for us to go, and while it is not in Europe, it will not have the centuries of prejudice that we have had to deal. With. I do not know as of yet how I will move them, but that will come with my many meetings. First of which will be with Buresko. I do not know what he will ask, but with the coming war, I know it will be hard on my desire to be less violent.

Buresko meets with me, in mostly secret as hostilities are in the air even though they are not in the open yet. He says he is willing to help by getting plains and pilots to fly my people out. This is great, but I do not have the fluid cash to pay for it. He says he will foot the bill if I can give him the location of the missing Sorka. this is so,thing that is very easy for me, but I do not let him know that. I agree that I can do that, but what would be the cost of the help. Here is where the real dealing begins. Turns out he actually wants something I had been planning on doing, and that is freeing his child Gregory from the clutches of the Prince. I tell him it won't be fast, or easy, but given what he is doing for me, I agree. Next night, to show I am holding my end of things I search for sorka, easy find, she is in cuba. then i scry the location that burisko told me Greagor is being held. i proceed to scry that over a few nights to see the routine. i know its watched by a tremere as he wonders around outside with his candle. i see commandos inside, and once caught sight of Gregor. The house is covered in all kinds of crazy runes, including a rune vs teleport. sigh this will not be a clean grab.

I know the likely hood of getting all my people (or as many as will leave) on plains is very slim. Buresko’s airport is a we.l known holding, and in a war transportation is always the first target. I know I will need alternatives, so I am off to my second meeting with the former prince, Emil.

Emil meets me in the sewers, and I am overwhelmed with not surprise. He begins our talk with asking me what I am doing with the curse of the rom. Given who. He is, and the fact I haven't tried to make it a very large secret, I am not surprised. However, the fact he believes the curse is a little surprising. I find out that he associates with the Bishiop, and the fact Nikita doesn't want the gypsies free as the curse was designed to bind any with Wenzel’s blood. Over the years that has evolved to about 50% of falkutetta. I told him I can care less about Wenzel, alive or dead, but I want the people free. I am assuming at this point anything I discuss with him, will get to Nikita eventually. We negotiate, and he will help create a “underground railroad” of sorts, through the churches, to get the rom from here to the coast. From that point it becomes my problem this will cost me, but a 3 point boon would be well worth it.

I come back to falkutetta to Jamie pinging my head. He says “if your going to do anything before the shit hits the fan, you better do it. Still need my help with Gregor?” Of course I say “yes, why the rush?” Turns out he tried to sneak around the Brujah camp in the airport and tripped on a sensor. Well bad ass he is, sneaky, not so much. Needless to say shit will hit the fan soon, if not tomarrow, so we have to go for Gregor tonight. Crap, only been searching a few days. Guess we will have to get really messy.

After Jamie screwing the pooch, plans moved up. Called sianeo to arrange flight for family, and I bribed a small jet to take them there. Had to use codes Buresko gave me to get past a blockade that was quickly established. But they are safe in qubec city, or they will be.

I ask Jamie to come to Fakulteta so I can make him look other than himself for our attack on the house Gregor is being held in. As soon as he passes my boarders I make him into a bulshivic. I make a show of appearing him and thanking him, and burisko for their help. It is at this moment that an arrow hits him right in the chest. He dodges, and the arrow goes "poof" but he is still VERY injured. I cannot sense the attacker so they are out of range. It was a very far shot. Jamie takes off running and narrowly misses getting hit again as he dives through a 2nd story window. The rom family are very upset about the intrusion, and the lady tries to beam him with dinner. I teleport him to the catacombs beneath falkultetta, and wait for the person to invade so I can deal with him. Unfortunately he decided to send magic in instead. I watch as the spirits talk to each other, and then find Jamie. His voice plays across the wind "I know what you are now, and I will kill anyone who gets between us!" Fun. He asks for food, so I summon up a horde of rats for him to feed on. He goes through most of them, and the cats of falkultetta will eat well tonight.

So I need to get my family out before the shit hits the fan. As such I make my arrangements to go to a private airfield, and Jamie Gavaradill and myself escort them all to the small airstrip. I don't trust the main airport especially after Jamie lit all the fires there. We pack them all in a plane, not meant to carry 75 people, and then to Sieano's people to make sure they get to Quebec City. The flight out was a bit rocky. A no fly order has been enacted, and the only reason we didn't get shot down by the two scrambled fighters, was the codes I was given. I don't think I will be able to use the 747's but the codes may be worth what I have to do anyway.

Speaking of paying for codes…Jamie has commando gear, so we suit up, I create a few “extra” commandos out of chemistry, and we head off to the house. We test idea after idea, but after finding at least two more people laying in wait, we figure this would be a hard trap to. Spring with the two of us. I have the idea that we fake a fire to get people to run out, using some of the concession plastique that we have. Jamie suggests that we do it from beneath. Security in the sewers was bad, but not insurmountable. Cameras mean squat with illusions. We place our charges on the foundation, set the timer for 30 and head on up. Getting into gunning position we wait till about 5 min before boom to make a good show of the fire and bombs and such. We cannot be seen using any signature gifts as this is supposed to be a Brujah liberation, not Jamie and I. Especially not him, as that would blow his cover as a Gustavas supporter. The time has arrived, and we launch a volley, after about 3 min I feel something temporally weird from Jamie? What is he doing? Can't look, and can't ask cause well that would screw my pooch. I've been splitting, and using mind to control all the “other commandos” and then BOOM! Whole fucking house goes up! Tis was not supposed to happen. The charges we lied should cause that, and DEFINITELY. Should not cause that much fire. Hmm trap sprung and we are outside. Now to find Gregor, and get the flock out of dodge.

Emil is in Nikita's camp, so Nikita is aware of my plans to move them.

After Jamie screwing the pooch, plans moved up. Called Sianeo to arrange flight for family, and I bribed a small jet to take them there. Had to use codes to get past blockade.

Off to storm castle, found out that its all kinds of a trap (surprise, not) two offsite teams waiting to storm in. At least 30 troopers inside waiting to storm out. We check the underside, and there is an escape hatch. Plan is to set charges underside, then wait, and before they go, launch a serious volley at the front, and use Chemeristry to enhance the volatility of it, and cause a fire. Hopefully most the mortals will get out of doge before the charges break the foundation. Idea is they will believe that Brujah attacked, and not Jamie and I. We start firing, and there is a temporal blip from Jamie...