7/08/13 - revelations from my sire

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Mina's Story

After the wonderful dreamscape that left me with a twin, and almost dead, I wanted a little time with family. Given my life and the wierdness in it, family is made not born into. My sire decided to pay a visit, which is nice, as I havent seen her but once sence she blessed/cursed me with un-life. This time she promised she would stay longer a season. She wanted to know what I wanted from her. Such a simple question but it has such a large reaching answer. The best answer I can give was "I want to know who you are." and the other obvious question was "Why me?" Given the circumstances of who we are, and what we came back to do. The realitys of us getting embraced was a given. Each of us had an idea of who we wanted to be. This meant that with our knowledge of kindred, we got to pretty much pick our clan. I knew only that I didn't want to be an Assimite again. I was done with death. After that.. Clan wasn't much of a Prority. I chose for the power that comes with the blood. I liked moving fast, Majic, and Illusion. If I had my choice of powers it would be one of those. Given we had all our previous knowledge, Magic was a given. Surprisingly I didn't choose Toreador, mainly because I could see myself getting lost in the politics and art. Also speed can be learned (or re-learned in my case), but I didn't know illusion. Luckally there was a Ravanoes at the right time, and the right place. She had a habit of that. So I asked. "Why me, and again why you? I would like to know more about you."

In this she obliged. In her own voice, she said " to know about me is a longer story, First let me tell you of your brother." and then Like I was there the room Changed, and illusion so real I can taste it surrounded me.

It was April 3rd 1444. Xevon was origionaly a vampire hunter. Synovia embraced him after a vampire attacked on him, and left him for dead. She couldn't leave this newly formed vampire on his own, and yet she was on a dire mission. The sight had told of things and she was on her way to a meeting. As such she took him with her to meet a group of 13 to meet a “man” in the inn called the "Red Lamb" in carpatha. The man she was meeting was a Vampireby the name of Lord Claudious Giovanni. The discussion was about the dioblorie of the mathusala Capadocius. She foresaw it, and she sought to prevent it. However the Giovanni were bent on this goal. These individuals were invited by Claudius Giovanni (She shows me that he looks like short stout man, with a skull pendent), Marchettus the bold Brujah (Also I see him in the scene), Lady Dimitra a gangral, Matron Violetta a nos, Lady Theofana a malcavian, Sire Wenceslas a toreador, Lord Casmir a Tremere, Lady Jadvija Almanof a ventrue, Lord Leopold Valdemar a lasaombra, Lord Mieczyslav a tzmiscie, an assimite named Lord Bajazet al Nasir, Lady Amisa a settite, and lastly Gabrin the Ravanos. All of these people I see at the in, come in the order she saw them. Life breathed into a scene that happened Well over 200 years before. I know from reputation that all of these individuals are 6th gen or better. She appeared before them, to denounce this action. I watched as she said that if they did this misdeed, the world will know its end. Her speech was moving, and even 200 years ago the name "Durga Syn" was listened to as she predicted doom. However the Giovanni promised them generation and power. We know from our past that her words were not heeded. We know from my past and the worlds future that Geovanni will bring the end of the world because of his rise to power. However that has not happened. The wonders of timetrave mean my past need not happen, and the future as I remember, can be but a bad dream. As this gathering took place on April 4th (Saint Issac’s day). This was known as the Conspiracy of Issac. Before plans could be solidified, the Camarilla attacked, and the conspirators created a group of childer to fend them off. The surviving Childer are know known as the Children of Issiac.

I watch as the Conspirators traveled to The mount erciyes. Their goal was to attack the ancient directly as he was a hermit. Cappodocias was given to visions. Some true, some not so much. Often he made his visions happen through the sheer force of his power. I watched the battle unfold as Synovia saw it. I watched him as he died, but it is her belief that Cappodocias wanted to die. She also knows that while his blood was consumed, his soul was not. This leads me to understand that dioblorie does not always consume the soul.

After this happened the all of theConspiriters were captured, and imprissioned. The notable exceptions to this are Lady Amica, Claudius, and Augustus. The latter escaped to do all manner of things, and Lady Amica managed to escape imprisionment by duplicating herself. The person in the prision is not the original Lady Amica. To her knowledge all of the others are still imprissioned to this day. She worked very hard to make sure that though Xevon was there during this, that he was not to be mistaken for a Member of the Conspiracy, or the children of Issiac, though it was a close thing, and Many still consider Xevon to be a Possible Child of Issac.

After this she showed me how she took young Xevon back to his Sofia to help him become a vampire, and instruct him on the road of humanity. It is here that the show ends. She tells me that she is not sure what happened, but she knows that Xevon got involved with a settite, Possibly Lady Amica. This settite corrupted him. Somehow something changed their relationship, she is not sure. It was possibly Danika who intervened. Amica may have been killed shortly their after. His humanity began to rise again. She then turned her attentions back to her community. That of Russia. and alas, and Over the centuries he got darker and more cruel. He also became more independent. He may have broken free of Danika's bonds, she doesn't know what happened to Danika. She lets me know that He had one child that she knows of, and it is likely that that child is dead. but she knows little else.

Of why, she nearly says that like all the times before, her Sight told her where she must be, and that she must make sure I was embraced. She believes it is because of my help with the rom.

Over the next few nights we spend in discussion. I spend time with my Son, and then with her. She tells me the tale of her embrace, and shows me the Hag. I can now say that I have looked into the face of evil, and she is truly terrifying. She tells me a little about her motivation, and why she does what she does. This I know a bit as she told me a bit when she instructed me onto the Path of Community. Some of it is new, or at least seen in a new perspective, having taken care of my own community. She helps me with a few of my problems, Including purging the ruminates of the demon from me. I figured I would have to trust her with that secret as she is my sire, and she is one of the few I think that may be able to combat it magic for Magic. Lastly she agrees to help me break the curse of the Rom. She knows that it is a VERY powerful spell, and unlikely cast by Nikita, it had to have been someone even more powerful.