6/26/13 - Which is also our last night in Ottawa

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Mina's Story

While playing switchboard, I noticed somthing floating in the ether.. It appeared to be a vampire going in a buying a hotel. Curious I follow the thought, and it seems it is Brian buying a crummy hotel on the edge of town. Unsure of if this is a trap, premonition, or what I let him know it can be one of the three, and proceed to watch. I get this really uneasy feeling all of the sudden, and my flesh starts to crumble and deform. I feel myself get weaker, although not as much as someone who wasn't the generation I was. FUCK! This is very bad, because it means they have my tsunami, and somehow can breach all my defenses. It is about this time that the van is pulled over, and we are asked to get out. Damn cerfiew, one of the anarch dread gazes one cop, as I ramble on the other. One is a boneless sack on the ground whimpering, and one is searching the web for somthing that he isn't sure about. Still we drive away, and switch to a taxi, which I make a cop car. We let the other teams know that they need to get off the streets.

I pick the switchboard back up right as Brian ghost walls the hotel in an effort to save the Venture. They see the razor wire i saw when scrying, but they also know it is covered in flammable goo, and the hum lets them know it is electrified. chances of avoiding a spark is almost zero. they hop to the second floor to avoid the razor wire and ghost-wall agwin. it appears the Sabbot were lazy and only did the first floor. It is at this moment that a mass wave of fog rolls over the city. Weather control, and a serious amount of it. Brian rushes into the building with his child following on his heels, Yan turns and looks to L'pousette. She did not follow, and he senses her off in the distance with another. I can kind of triangulate where they are with my own senses, he Engages Temporis and runs off. I can follow both via the mirrors they have around their neck, but I focus on Yan as he is more likely to need my help. He catches up quick, as he teleports in front of them. L'pousette seems rather surprised as she runs out to him. Not a half a best later, is the assimite Reza Fatir. Quickly he says in Babylonian “she is a spy, make it look good” unfortunately this happens over the course of a mass of Celerity and I choose to tell Yan the first part, so he doesn't kill an agent. I don't think we are in danger of L'pousette as I am fairly sure she will continue to pass along info, that we can now control. I was wrong, as she stabs Yan in the back during that fury of exchanges. All I can say is Yan and Riza made it look VERY good. L'pousette miscalculated because Yan’s next action bisects her, and ends the spy we know. Riza uses this opportunity to make a “good” escape so that neither needs kill each other, and kicks Yan to the ground. Yan must have not expected it, or Riza was pulling a bit, as Yan face plants, and breaks the mirror.

It is at this moment that there is a HUGE explosion, and I see fire whip around Brian. It appears that the sabbot were not so lazy after all, and instead filled the hotel with oxygen. Neat trick, very bad on vampires. Brian then catches up to Yan in his car. They put the body of L’pousette in the trunk and head back to the base. Brian decides that this is the end, and we need to vacate, and regroup and lay “siege” to Ottowa. Back at the Mansion we find most the malcavians being a tad bit weird, and somehow Carter was assinated in the house. The toreador prince wannabe was rather upset at seeing his headless corpse, and proved how unworthy she was for the title of prince. As I am out of a job, and 5 million, it is time for me to go home with the rest. Jack goes and gets a helicopter, and we fly out. Only bump in that road is a small missile headed our direction. Easily handled by Yan, though I throw a hand gesture in there to make people think I did something.

Back in Quebec City, I prepare myself a bit, finish some things, and port back to Sofia... Into a dream not my own.