6/19/13 - First Night in Ottawa

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Mina's Story

Our first night in Ottowa was rather interesting. I got a chance to see Brian at work being prince. I know see why most princes act like self important jackasses. The rabble act like children, and require them to do so. This was no exception. After a 2 hr un eventful drive, we all pack together and try to get some form of conference together. Unfortunately we have a Venture who thinks way to highly of himself, and scared toreador, and a Nosferatue with delusions of grandeur (that being said the nos is one we know, but by a different name, and his delusions may be more accurate than most, however he was still being a pain in the ass). Brian decided that sense no candidate would go to any other, for a myriad of reasons, he would use technology to its fullest. A secure computer for everyone, and a Skype meeting. This is when he asks the question, “what do you have, and what can you do to claim your place?” The venture immidaiatly states how many people he hired, and the toreador says “she has some friends” and the Nos decides he won't play ball. The princedom is obviously his by right of age, and the fact he has survived. Everyone else can lick his boots or fuck off. I so wanted to leave at this moment, but no one knew I was there, and I was being paid so the gesture would have just been lost. The nos thinks this gesture is ripe for making his point, and after much name calling, and trying to get a rise out of brian (and failing) he hangs up. However, we now know that aside from Carter, and maybe the Nos, we got bupkis for forces. 2517 is reported to be here, and they would go through Ventrue boys ghouls like a hot knife through butter, except they would be MORE butch at the end, cause they would get a good meal. No sure if toreador chicks friends are vampire or not, but if they are as useful as she seams then we have a doze square tennis balls. Nice to look at if a little odd, but no real practice use.

Brian states at this moment that there is no prince, till the pack 2517 is dealt with, and everyone needs to buck up and help. Princedom s are earned, not given. I could applaud. It was an excellent closing speech, and while I like the idea of sticking it to the high clans, carter is the only one who has anything. This will be a fun siege.

The Venture then calls Brian directly and whines about why the ventrue didn't just give it to another ventrue. Brian basically said “because I don't want to look like the front end of the backside of your ass” which I think means “your an inept asshole, and I don't want your ineptness to reflect on me” first way was more funny. I don't often get to hear Brian not be a ventrue anymore, but that made me think better of him.

After that we get down to brass tacks. I get in my van, send the security team to drive the decoys, and hot box a cow.

High as a kite i cast the ritual. carter wants me to Follow ezikal, call him with updates. this i do, but i also keep Brian, and Yan on conference. So they can better make decisions. This is proved a good idea as Carter sends strike force to the factory that has Ezikal in it, and they are anticipated, and dealt with by some means of green bullets that do aggravated damage. At the moment we are not sure if its phosphorus rounds, or some kind of magic, but if forces Carter's forces to back down.

Brian has me scry the assimite. I can do both because of my path, but it gets distracting. I follow him climbing through racer wire covered in “stuff” and I also not ice he is carrying someone tied up. It is the Ventrue trussed and staked. Shit

Brian and jan try and jump the assimite gangral pair. As they leave the hotel. Again we were anticipated, and they follow escape reunite prearranged. Brian chooses not to follow and play their game (smart with this pack) and decides to catch his running child... Again.