20th Anniversary Edition versus Dark Ages Vampire 2nd Edition

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Opening Discussion: This evening as I prepare for work, I wanted to start the discussion on switching from Dark Ages 2 to the more modern 20th Anniversary Edition of Vampire the Masquerade. While the discussion had begun a couple months ago in email, I thought discussing the matter on the site made a more visible forum for this topic. Please feel free to contribute whatever thoughts and opinions you would care to share, as differing opinions only enrich the discussion.

While we discuss the matter, I will be placing 20th Anniversary Edition Discipline power descriptions alongside the older, but currently used Dark Ages 2 descriptions to allow for comparison and discussion.

"The Magister 23:08, 21 October 2015 (MDT)"

I like some of what is in the 20th Anniversary Edition, but I don't think unless there is something strikingly different that we should spend a lot of time on here changing what we have in place. Should there be clarification in the 20th text, then by all means bring it in, and incorporate it as we want. I think there is enough original information on this site that there is no reason to stay totally tied to the text of the main system. I think story creation and character documentation is more important than changing the system we use.

"Keith, 08:52, 22 October 2015 (MDT)"

Both books have good and bad items. Auspex is an issue but it's almost identical, we choose not to penalize Auspex users for having it on most of the time. Changes to physical disciplines are no big deal, Celerity got much more powerful (again), Potence is a small amount weaker. I will have to look at blood magic but we have play tested that a lot.

Brian, 20:44, 23 October 2015 (MDT)"