08/09/2012 Brian's Take

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As we woke for the night we (Yan and I) discussed next steps in the city. Yan is reacting in a very paranoid way, not to say that he is wrong. He is assuming the worst, using a series of assumptions as proof. In his defense his thinking is logical, and although I don't think his reasoning is the most likely to happen....it could still happen.

He is sticking to his gun's on the assumption of a worst case scenario. I will defer to his choice of actions as long as is does not require me to do anything extreme. I am planning on using my adopted child to push some buttons and see who is worried or even knows about the "Get of Troile". Hoping we can find out who of the True Brujah is "educated" per Yan's definition and who is not.

At first I wanted him to "make a scene" but he was hesitent to do that. He is trying to get back to his happy and joking way of dealing with things and does not want to let this new part of himself out. I am going to respect his choice although I could have either forced or manipulated the situation.

Our first order this night was tours, Yan left with the Countess's oldest child for a tour of Tech factories. I joined her next older Child Hiltrude Ott who turned out to be a knowledgeable and pleasant tour guild if you could ignore her striking Nazi'ish prejudices. She had no problem with my adopted child and said he could stay in the city with the Countess's permission. So it seems that Yan's conclusion of the Countess's childer's education is sound, I don't think that is as dire as he does but it is not my clan. I also did not push hard, it could have given the information we were asking about.

I made some good banking connections, I have to make sure I am not stepping on anyone toes. As long as I am just making money through my own influence and not trying to gain to much with the Dresden Bank I should only raise curiosity not ire. Finishing this transaction could give that party influence in Sofia, which if its Ventrue is fine but if its Govanni that is not ok. Problems for a later date. I think I will continue with the transaction, with only brief inquiry's to my older sibling on who controls it. The influence gained will be minimal and mortal in nature.

That night ended with some good connections, good additional information and no new problems. Yay! The next night we were invited to meet the rest of the Prince's childer. We were informed near the last moment that it was a "hunt". What that ment we did not know. I left my true child at our lodgings and brought my adopted childer. My reasoning was two fold, I wanted to see how these older True Brujah would react and only wanted to keep up with one person in a "hunt". Both of them are experienced in combat, but not at the level that some kindred play.

When we arrived at the castle(on horseback...sigh) we found out that the query of the "hunt" was a pack of Garou. I had mixed feelings about this and could see that Yan did also. We went to the reconstruction zone to hunt. Turns out that the pack we were hunting were Black Sprials, this made it easy to do. I jumped in and decided to fight hand to hand. ***OTC note: battle was not rolled out, which was nice in this case*** It is eerie to see how easy creatures tracked easily because of one of the powers that make them so epic. It is also eerie to see such a rare discipline so casually used by so many people.

After the hunt we enjoyed refreshments at the castle. As it happens the childer of the prince were offended by my adopted child, so they are at least that much educated which means they most likely have most of the education from their sire. I was assured by the countess that their rude behavior would not be repeated, which was also interesting. Yan has suggested I get him out of the city for his own protection. I agree.

Tomorrow we go to a Ball with visiting Princes and other dignitaries from the surrounding area. It will provide a situation where things could be said in front of a good number of important witnesses. This provides a time for several things to happen. I wish it made since to leave before this, I don't think it will become violent to me. My biggest worry is that Yan will either be directly threatened or manipulated into a poor political position by his clan mates, with the city's princedom the prize. We will see....