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Rome -- medieval

Rome -map - Regola.png


Rome regola logo.png

Regola is the 7th rione (historical quarter) of Rome. The name comes from Arenula (the name is present in the modern Via Arenula), which was the name of the soft sand (rena in Italian) that the river Tiber left after the floods, and that built strands on the left bank. The logo of the rione is a rampant deer with a turquoise background.


During the Roman empire, the area belonged to the Campus Martius. In particular, in the modern Regola there was the Trigarium, the stadium where the riders of the triga (a cart with three horses) used to train.

Emperor Augustus divided Rome into 14 regions; according to this, the modern Regola belonged to the IX region called Circus Flaminius. In the Middle Ages it entered the fourth of the seven new ecclesiastic regions, even if at that time the limits of the rioni were not very clear.

Also because of the very frequent floods of the river Tiber, the area was unhealthy and it was drained at the end of the Middle Ages.


Though small, the rione contains many kinds of buildings: palaces, hospitals, churches, a run down prison and dirty poor houses.

Loci Greges

Triga Consortium: The consortium is relatively new, having formed only in the last ten years, but its aggressive stance has led to growth in both territory and numbers. The darkest rumors attribute the consortium's growing list of successes to its members involvement in the dark arts.
