Lasombra Antitribu

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Bloodline Coat of Arms


The 4th Generation

Montano - Lasombra's most loyal and honorable childe.
Boukephos - Also known as "The Greek"
Sybil -

The 5th Generation

Goeffrey, Childe of Boukephos
Livia Augusta - Childe of Boukephos & Sire of Narses of Venice
Tercio Bravo - Childe of Boukephos

The 6th Generation

Alejandro‭ ‬De Navarre
Elieser de Polanco
Erasmo Casimiro Alonso de Cursio
Guilelmo Aliprando - Current Archbishop of Nod and a former Prince of Venice (originally 7th generation, diablerized his sire)
Narses - Former Prince of Venice and a former Archbishop of Nod (deceased - diablerized by his childe Guilelmo Aliprando)

The 7th Generation

Alexa L'eselle - Childe of Alejandro‭ ‬De Navarre
Andrev Burgosov (Андрев Бургосов)
Don Alonzo De Vargas - Childe of Guilelmo Aliprando
Fatimah Al-Lam'a of Cairo
Giangaleazzo - Prince of Milan
Paliuro Rustucci
Suleiman ibn Abdullah
Vizier Suliman

The 8th Generation

Amis Cletus Merleson, Earl of Emery
Bruce Edward Zieger - Lasombra Antitribu Bastard of Don Alonzo de Vargaz & Camarilla Mercenary (Undercover Archon)
Don Leandro Adon Oro Christian De Reyes - Childe of Don Alonzo de Vargaz - Pilgrim on the Bitter Journey
Don Ramon Arturo Negro De Cadiz - Childe of Don Alonzo De Vargas - Art Aficionado
Dona Isabella Baboa Garcia Mendez - Childe of Don Alonzo De Vargas - The Pious Daughter
Fra Donatello
Gisele Hemmet

The 9th Generation

Archon-Captain Kleist
Emerson Wilkshire III - Childe of Don Leandro Adon Oro Christian De Reyes
Loleta - Childe of Don Ramon Arturo Negro De Cadiz
Stephen Lenoir - The Guide to London's Lost Camarilla
Raphael di Bianco - Childe of Fra Donatello
Sarah The Chaste

The 10th Generation

Brenda - the Raven

The 11th Generation

The 12th Generation

Monica Belhurst - Sabbat Survivor of Denver