Stephen Campany

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London / Gangrel / Knights of the World Tree

Gangrel Fledgling of London
Nickname: Stevie

Appearance and Demeanor: Stevie has dark hair, brown eyes, and a slightly heavier-than-average build. Something in that convinced Bart Felkirk that Steve Campany would make a better childe and bodyguard than the guy asleep in the next apartment over. He wears whatever street clothes he can beg, borrow or steal.

Steven Campany has the perpetually startled look of someone who expects to wake from a nightmare at any moment. He cringes from blood, violence and sudden movements.

Background: Stevie was just another Londoner struggling to survive in a city at its nadir. In some ways, he was doing better than most: He had a job, an apartment, and even a girl-friend who might have wanted him for more than a free meal or two. Then everything changed.

One minute, Stevie was half-asleep cowering in his bed on a night that sounded worse than usual for the number of gunshots that echoed down the concrete canyons. Then a dark figure was looming over him, its red eyes terrifying in the gloom. It did something. When Stevie awoke, Black Bart ordered him to "protect my back," and Stephen found himself following along, trying to throw himself in the way of whatever Bart was trying to kill. The next night was worse.

Gods and Demons fought it out in the Throne Room of Buckingham Palace. And then it was over. Bart was gone. Stephen expected things to be normal again. They weren't. He still could see perfectly in the dark, and talk to dogs, and fell asleep all day. Oh, and he has fangs and drinks blood.

If not for help from the other "Leaves of the Tree," other fledgling vampires embraced on the same night, he would have committed any number of fatal blunders by now. He has lost his job, his girlfriend and his flat, and is basically homeless now. At least for now, he has what might be called a classic "Louie" complex.

Stephen Campany's Statistics