Masika St.John

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Tremere -x- Quebec City -x- Vampires of New York from 1999 to 2022

Tremere Masika St.John.jpg

Sobriquet: Apprentice.

Appearance: Frequently found in knockabout clothing, Masika is a small, bookish woman with nervous eyes. When keeping the company of Tremere superiors or those outside the , however, she favors the austere "gray-face" look that stereotypes the Tremere: dark suits, hair tied back in a bun and an impenetrable expression.

Behavior: Mostly, she just wants to keep doing the same things she has always done: teach evening classes in computer science, surf the Net, chat up weird ideas, maintain a comfortable existence. Now Masika is at the center of attention, and she is not sure how to handle it. Some of the other Kindred have decided to "use" her, but she is not going to make any revolutionary speeches on someone else's behalf, nor does she intend to decry her own innovations.

History: When Masika was transferred to New York, Aisling Sturbridge helped her adjust and kept the old guard off Masika's back. For the few years they worked together, Aisling became her mentor and friend. Then the clan claimed that Aisling was a Tremere antitribu plan and a member of the Sabbat; Masika was far from world wise, but she could see the frame-job for what it was. She provided what aid she could to Aisling as she was forced to flee the Big Apple. Now an then, she gets heavily encrypted messages from her old mentor and so far, she has managed to keep this a secret from everyone - including Master Estevez.

After Aisling was purged from the pyramid, Master Estevez took Masika on as an apprentice when no other master would even look at her. Though Master Estevez is not the mentor that Aisling was, he is still a kind and patient teacher, who asks no more of her than she is capable of doing. She has served him for about a decade now and has found a safe place to continue her studies and innovations. While Master Estevez is expert in the ancient forms of thaumaturgy, he seems to have a genuine interest in Technomancy.

Recent Events: Three nights ago, a courier from Vienna brought a letter from the Councilor Etrius, giving Master Estevez the regency of Quebec City, but at the same time denying him the princedom he so richly deserves. The Council of Seven felt that the time was not yet right for another Tremere prince of Quebec, especially after the mass murder of so many clan-mates.

Surprisingly, Master Estevez allowed her to read the letter and gave her orders to have the chantry packed within twenty-four hours and be ready to leave New York the next evening. Master Estevez leased an entire train to move the entire apparatus of the chantry to Quebec City - their new home.