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Blood Affinities

You have learned the rhythmic motions, intricate patterns and fluid gestures of the mesmerizing dance known as Zapaderin. When you perform this dance, all those not of the Blood soon come under the spell of your grace, the trance of the rhythm. The mesmerizing dance requires constant practice and discipline, which you have in full measure.
A character with this skill is able to cause anyone not of Romani Blood to become mesmerized. Unlike hypnotism, this skill does not require a willing target. However, watchers are not completely powerless. If a character can perform this dance for at least 10 minutes, she causes anyone watching to fall into a state in which they become far more compliant and agreeable to suggestions. The effective Willpower of those watching the dance falls by one for every success the character rolls on an Appearance + Zapaderin roll (difficulty 6). This effect lasts for as long as the character dances.

1) Novice: Can perform the dance with out any blatant errors.
2) Practiced: People love to watch you move.
3) Competent: You make bellydancers jealous.
4) Expert: When you dance all eyes are on you.
5) Master: Salome, eat your heart out!