Talk:Alt-1920s New Orleans

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Alt-1920s New Orleans

Keith, while adapting the old New Orleans by Night supplement has merit, have you ever considered the idea of an entirely novel look at what vampires would be like in 1920s NOLA? And I want to point out that I do like the idea of updating (retrograding) the characters of that old book to the Jazz Age Vampire setting. It just begs the imagination to explore an alternative NOLA. Not necessary, not necessarily a good idea, just tempting. Isn't it? -- "The Magister 11:57, 5 November 2015 (MST)"

I have given it thought. I know I would have done things different for the city. The workload it entails to get it up and running is large, in order to make it believable. I think though basing it loosely off the real characters of the city and making it darker would make for a hell of a lot of fun. If there is no one playing in this setting now I would propose that we strip it of cannon characters and start a new story/history for New Orleans that makes sense to you and I. As this was first edition, a lot of the variables that were laid down were flawed IMHO. The biggest challenge here is making characters that are believable, and making the setting mesh with the WOD. -- Keith 19:23, 5 November 2015 (MST)