Suck it Up

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Discipline Techniques

Animalism 1, Protean 2

When Vampires fight, blood spills, and even the side that arguably wins the conflict is probably a bit thirsty after calling upon the gifts of Caine. Still, conflict attracts attention, and the last thing a hurt, hungry vampire wants is to be seen hunching over a fallen Kindred, or lapping blood from the ground. Developed by anarchs to help them avoid the notice of mortals and Camarilla alike, this power allows the Kindred to feed by simply touching a pool of exposed blood and draw it into herself.

System: The Kindred touches a quantity of spilled blood and adds it to her blood pool. The Storyteller must make a judgement call as to how much blood can be taken. (Remember that a blood point is literally a tenth of the blood in the human body, about half a liter.) This power doesn't "strip the ground clean," either, and some small amount still stains the ground.

Experience Cost: 14