Steal the Mind

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Mytherceria 6

This power is a further extension of the Kiasyd's mystical lore-gathering abilities. In their ever-increasing quest for knowledge, the Kiasyd have found a way to rip memories and knowledge from sentient beings. The Kiasyd's victim becomes a mindless fool for the duration of this power's effect, able to function only on a basic autonomic level (mortals continue to breathe, while vampires simply stand in stupor). Normally in this state, the victim is so confused that she wanders aimlessly, or sits and does nothing. As soon as the Kiasyd purloins the memories, she often records them in a more permanent form such as a scroll or book, before they escape her own memory. This power accounts for some reports of individuals being left, foolish and duped, by "the Good Folk."

System: The player rolls Perception + Subterfuge (difficulty equal to the target's Willpower). While the Kiasyd has "stolen" her subject's mind, she retains her own consciousness, but has complete access to all of the subject's thoughts and memories. Subjects have no knowledge that they have been affected in this manner, though any attempts to harm them -- by the Kiasyd or anyone else -- return their wits to them immediately. Those who are victims of this power for long periods of time may starve, but they will eat food presented before them. The number of successes determines the duration of the effect, though the Cainite may return the subject's mind at any time before this period ends.

  • 1 Success: 10 minutes
  • 2 Successes: One hour
  • 3 Successes: One night
  • 4 Successes: One week
  • 5 Successes: One month