Speaking Well of the Dead

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Main Page -x- Level One Rituals -x- Level Two Rituals

Description: This is a ritualized eulogy of a target wraith’s identity and is designed to provide the target wraith with one addition willpower; in this way, the necromancer may aid a wraithly ally.
Origin: Benesj the Black
Ingredients: Funerary incense / a belonging of the deceased
Casting: The necromancer must purify himself with funerary incense and meditate for at least five minutes on the wraith he wishes to help, while holding or wearing the sympathetic item. Then he stands up in front of any number of people and offers a simple eulogy about the wraith he wishes to empower.
System: Before the necromancer can begin this ritual, he must first understand the target of the ritual well enough to deduce his nature. This may require an extended Perception +Empathy roll = 6, the number of successes needed equals the targets permanent willpower score. Then the caster rolls Intelligence + Rituals = difficulty of four (4) and sacrifices a temporary willpower. If he succeeds, he grants the target wraith one addition, temporary willpower per casting. The Ritual can only be cast once per night per wraith and cannot exceed the wraiths' permanent willpower pool.
Reference: No obvious parallels could be found.