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Dice Pool: Manipulation + Survival

Cost: 1 Divinity per Attack

Description: For a number of actions equal to the successes the player rolled to activate the Power, jagged threads of lightning coil around the Avatar’s fists or weapon, or swirling winds sweep around him as he moves. On any successful attack he makes in the subsequent duration, he may spend a point of Divinity to make thunder crash or winds gust violently. Doing so automatically doubles any knockback the attack applies. Furthermore, if the attack inflicts even one level of damage, have the victim’s player roll (Stamina + Endurance) against a difficulty equal to (raw damage + attacker’s Divinity). The minimum difficulty for this roll is 6 with at least one success needed. If the victim’s player fails this roll, the victim is stunned, losing two dice from all non- reflexive rolls until the attacker’s next action. This Power’s effects apply to any attack the character makes—be it in close or ranged combat—for which he spends the requisite point of Divinity.