Patience of the Norns

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Temporis 4

Description: The vampire can now suspend an inanimate object in time, keeping it frozen in perfect stasis as time passes at normal speed around it. As with lesser Temporis powers, this stasis has both combat and noncombat applications. True Brujah warriors may halt arrows outright rather than merely slowing their approach or dive out from under a spray of boiling oil. If any solid object or significant volume of liquid touches a frozen object that did not touch it at the moment of suspension, the item re-enters time with the same properties and velocity as when it stopped. Thus, touching a suspended object with anything more substantial than a raindrop releases it exactly as it was before it stopped.

System: The player spends 2 blood points and rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 6). The vampire must be able to perceive the object that he’s suspending, so the player may need to make a Perception + Alertness roll at a difficulty determined by the Storyteller in order to freeze fast-moving objects. If an object exceeds the speed of mortal perception, superhuman perception such as Auspex is required in order to see and stop it. As with Leaden Moment, it may be possible to freeze several closely grouped objects of a similar type by increasing the base difficulty. This requires express Storyteller permission and adjudication, however. Objects frozen by this power remain halted according to the number of successes rolled:

Successes - - - Duration
1 success = 1 turn
2 successes = 1 minute
3 successes = 10 minutes
4 successes = 1 hour
5 successes = 1 day
6+ successes = 1 week per success over 5.

Errata: Suspended objects retain all energy in their suspension, releasing none to the outside universe. A suspended arrow has no kinetic energy as far as the rest of the world is concerned and hangs suspended in midair until the power is interrupted or the duration expires. Suspended alchemical or chemical processes also halt, including fire.