Ophidian Infestation

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Serpentis 6

The Setite with this horrifying power injects a victim with her blood. The Cainite must cut herself and touch the target to apply the power. The blood later transforms into a multitude of snakes. These blood-asps quickly grow to full size, rending the victim apart from the inside. The transformation of the blood can be triggered at any time. However, the blood loses its potency after three nights if not activated.

System: The character must touch the target (a normal Dexterity + Brawl roll is needed in combat), and the player spends as many Blood Points as he desires (up to the maximum permitted by the character’s generation) and makes a Manipulation + Occult roll (difficulty 6). If this roll is successful, each Blood Point later transforms into a dozen or so asps which effectively one health Level of damage. Stamina may not be used to soak this damage; only Fortitude can hope to save the victim as the snakes tear apart his unprotected innards and thrust their way out his body.

Needless to say, this is hideous to look upon.