Mina's Alternate ID

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Elizabeth Deverox Born: From Old us money. Never worked a day in her life. She lives the high life.. Doesn't like press attention, but doesn't much care if it happens. Likes flashy toys, and is openly gay though has been known to go for the octagonal guy, especally with another woman. She can best be found in one of the clubs when she is not drugging

Ms Natasha Borisnikov Born: unknown.. Someplace from the languages I speak.. Greek maybe

Antique collector for some "rich guy" buy and sells for him and non to concerned about legality. Known to have thugs.. And not afraid to use them if crossed, but rarly to persuade.

Ritch guy Born.. Older genteel man.. Old money. Known to reside in France, London, Japan, New York, and Sofia.


Kitara - 10 gen gangral, unknown sire. From gypsy decent, but otherwise unremarkable. Always seen wearing really dark sunglasses, and full sleaves, pants and boots. Also has a scimitar at her side, and known to carry knives and two .45 hand guns

Tsura - gypsy pirate

Kaitlin, please rename this page to indicate that it belongs to your character, and link it back to where it came from. Thanks!