Doll of Reflection

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Jamie's Esoterica

Level 3 Thaumaturgy, based on Spiritual Hermeticism.

This ritual is used to determine the effects of a curse (persistent detrimental magical effect).

System: The caster creates a small (about three inch) figurine from corn husks, beeswax, and a bit of his own hair and spit. While casting the ritual, the caster recites a chant designed to draw the curse through the doll, which deforms it in ways that indicate the properties of the curse.

Each success on the ritual allows the caster to determine one thing about the curse: These could include the intended effect, the duration, the basic identity of the caster, and where it was cast from. Additional successes can be spent to overcome any protection the caster of the curse may have in place. Like Effigy, the caster may choose which curse (if multiples are in effect) to target.

Part of the Ward Breaking series.