Bhaskar Aglaé

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Paris - La Belle Époque
Bhaskar Algae.jpg

Sobriquet: Bhaskar

Appearance: Bhaskar is a well formed woman, with dark skin and shiny black hair. Her dark eyes are alert and dancing, though it is not hard to see she has a solid, serious side.

Behavior: Bhaskar has learned to see the world. She talks clearly, but the listener usually has the feeling that more is said than heard. Trained in the system of Greek magic, she see's the world through the eyes of the Gods of Rome and Greece. Time is relevant, perspective, changeable.

History: Bhaskar's family are traders who had close ties to the Greek communities of Paris. Bhaskar as a young girl became enamored of the Cult of Vestia in the city, having met them at the temple. But for her there was another step, and she Awakened to the voice of Vesta in her head. The Goddess spoke to her, and sent her teachers.

Bhaskar grew in her Art, and see's the Great Wheel, and the balance that is needed. It is in her skill to give the Good Death, though she spends time communing with Vesta before she proceeds. She has felt the hand of the Gods in the city of late, and is seeking the source of their disturbance.

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