- Lands of the Core RLOTC Kartakas RLOTC Barovia
Forlorn was a domain that was largely untamed, abandoned, and mysterious land.
The Land
Much of the land was composed of rocky hillsides and forested highlands.
To the north of Forlorn was the Balinok Mountains and to the north of it was the domain of Barovia. On the southwestern portion of the land was a set of hills known as Mar Shred Cnoc or Shroud Hills; their name derived from the fact that they were perpetually shrouded in fog.
Much of the land's dense forests were characterized by a mixture of oak, fir, black pine, beech, locust trees, and crabapple trees. There were also small numbers of birch, elder, juniper, rowan, willow, and yew trees. Additionally, the land was home to a strain of citrus tree called the goblyn lime.
The plains and more open areas of forest sported a wealthy variety of herbs that often drew visitors to the region.
In addition to mundane plants, there known to be a number of predatory plants and fungi. These included the assassin vine, crawling ivy, death's head tree, lashweed, quickwood tree, shambling mounds, shriekers, dread treants, and violet fungus. Such plants were highly feared by folks in or near the highlands.
The primary fauna found throughout the land of Forlorn were gremishka and wolves. Wolf packs in this land were said to be just as large and ferocious as those found in Barovia. Besides mundane wolves, there were also said to be zombie wolves that attacked those who got too close to Castle Tristenoira and some form of demonic wolf that aided the land's goblyn inhabitants.
Besides these creatures, one could occasionally come across badgers, bears, boars, deer, foxes, frogs, salamanders, snakes, toads, and weasels. Bats, rats, and a wide variety of insects were quite abundant. Many of these mundane animals were known to display signs of wasting diseases.
In 547 BC, the domain of Forlorn was drawn into the mists of Ravenloft, becoming the second ever domain of the realm. According to the local druids, as the land was transported into Ravenloft many of its domestic animals throughout the land were transformed into gremishka and many humans were transformed into goblyns.
In the late 6th century, the domain of Bluetspur came into existence close to it.
Up until 730 BC, the resident goblyns would venture into neighboring lands to hunt for druids and raid farmsteads.
Over time the land's flora became denuded by the goblyn thralls of Tristen, due to his hatred of wildlife of all forms.
Ever since its arrival in Ravenloft, the predominant population in the domain of Forlorn had been the savage goblyns that were enthralled by Tristen. They did not possess any sort of fixed settlements as they never slept and had no need for agriculture. They were often found in or near Castle Tristenoira and the ruins of Birnam.
The other major inhabitants of the land were the druidic forfarians. They were known to inhabit the forests surrounding the domain, hoping to retake and regrow the barren landscape. They were often killed on sight by the resident goblyns.
Way Points
Dramatis Personae
Forlorn is the empty haunted land ruled by the ghost who haunts Castle Tristenoria. Currently four members of the group which Tharz Dosha was part of are missing in the castle.