Zlatko's Stats

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Zlatko Paisi

Circa: Autumn 2005 C.E. - the time of his final death
Haven: The Real Kremikovtsi Chantry
Clan: Tremere
Generation: 9th
Born: 1845
Embrace: 1875
Sire: Claas Drescher
Nature: Conniver
Demeanor: Director
Apparent Age: 30ish
Physical:Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
Social:Charisma 2, Manipulation 5, Appearance 2
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Empathy 4, Expression 2, Intimidation 4, Leadership 3, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 4
Skills: Animal Ken 2, Crafts 2, Drive 2, Etiquette 3, Firearms, Melee 2, Performance 1, Security 1, Stealth 3, Survival 1
Knowledges: Academics 3, Computers 0, Finance 1, Investigation 3, Law 2, Linguistics 4 (Slavic), Medicine 3, Occult 5 (Animations), Politics 4 (Kindred), Science 2
Disciplines: Auspex 5, Celerity 3, Chimerstry 5, Dominate 4, Thaumaturgy 5, Vicissitude 4
Discipline Techniques:
Thaumaturgic Paths: Blood 5, Conjuration 5, Levinbolt 5, Lure of Flames 5, Transmutation 5, Warding 5
Rituals: See - the Paisi Collection
Backgrounds:Allies 5 (Slavic Cultists), Contacts 5 (Academics), Fame 1 (Bulgarian Revolutionary), Generation 4, Herd 5 (College Students), Influence 5 (Sofia University), Mentor 3 (Claas Drescher), Resources 4 (Government Bonds), Retainers 5 (Ghouls), Status 2
Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 3, Courage 3
Path of Enlightenment: Humanity 3
Willpower: 8
Plots: Zlatko plotted with Miklos Grubo to create strife and ouste Emil from the princedom.
Destiny: Being deceased, Zlatko has fulfilled his destiny.