Briarweed Forest Bandits

From The World Is A Vampire
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Nova Vaasa

The Briarweed Forest is found in northeastern Nova Vaasa, south of the Sydligdnar and south of the East Timori Road which joins Egertus and Kantora. It is a hideout and base for bandits, most famously the Briarweed Forest Bandits led by Chezna the Blood-cat. The forest is seemmingly immune both to the conditions that make the Dommark a virtual desert and to the axes of men. As to the first point, there must be springs. As to the second, on at least one occasion Prince Othmar did make a point of sending foreign mercenaries to clear out the bandits, driving out, but not capturing, Chezna the Blood-cat. In return for this kindness, she began a reign of terror.[1]

The Briarweed Forest was also formerly home to a circle of druids until one of their own, Lady Heather Shadowbrooke, betrayed and murdered them all. Now the Briarweed Forest Circle serves as the lair of Lady Shadowbrooke, now one of the horrid undead.