Back Rooms

From The World Is A Vampire
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The Maya Realms
  • Description: This dream realm is the proverbial unending office building. Rooms and corridors abound, moving out in all directions with no rhyme or reason. Some dreamers report tests that open doors to stairwells to another level. Different levels are the same type rooms and corridors, but often with different colored walls. There are traps here, as well as unusual beings that can be both friend or foe.
  • Demeanor: The Back Rooms are mostly a realm of isolation. Some rooms have desks and tables, computers, and phones. The phones and computers don't attach to anything, and seldom work. If they do work it is usually in response to orders from the Boss.


Entities:The only consistent report about this realm is the occasional meeting with The Boss. Meeting him gives specific tasks that must happen, and he will always refer to those he meets as "Jones". If treated with violence, he carries a huge silver pistol. He automatically hits with every other round unless there are barriers between him and the person he is aiming at.

Killing the boss brings the hunters of the Back Rooms. These hunters feed on the life energy of those they touch.

