Yan Sirkov to Gustavus von Lothringen

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Missives: In-Game

(This letter is hand written with a quill pen on expensive stationary, quickly copied from an original, so that little of the emotion associated with composition remains. It is delivered to Gustavus' factor in the Scion Club at noon. The courier was hired in Dresden, who takes the train to a station north of Sofia, and enters the city via automobile.

I congratulate you on your ultimate achievement of your ambition. I am surprised by the circumstances with which you achieved it, but I believe that you were destined to achieve a Princedom.

As for Brian O'Reily, I believe he is quite glad that you have decided to mount the gallows to face the coming storm in his place. Perhaps your neck will prove thick enough. He tells me that he intends to remain away for Sofia for a while, to see what will come. Myself, I have been Shanghaied into service by Justicar Di Zagreb, and will not be able to return to my home for some months. In my heart, I remain committed to the defense and development of the Camarilla city of Sofia, and when I am finally free to return, I will bend my knees to the city's prince.

Personally, I believe that a man should know his tormentors as he thrusts his neck into the noose. Events here in Dresden have made a few things clear to me, and I now share this insight with you.

The Bolshevik survivors of the Russian Brujah council have infiltrated military forces throughout what was once Communist Eastern Europe. Coteries of embraced soldiers move freely, wearing Bulgarian military uniforms, and using Bulgarian military equipment. I know that Boris Melor is involved, and am 90% certain that Mikhail is complacent.

A similar Bolshevik cell in Germany was responsible for the attack on the gathering of Princes in Dresden: Fortunately, the only casualties have been Prince Carlak of Prague, one of Lucinde's Gangrel Archons, and swaths of what was, is, and probably will be one of the most beautiful cities in the world. They tried hard, to the point of suicide, to assassinate Prince O'Reilly. Is this for your benefit, or for another? Perhaps it is simply the hand of fate intervening on your behalf.

Second, understand if you did not already, that Svetlana Valentine is an alias adopted by Elisabeta Liliana Vavara, the last childe of Prince Sirkhan Pasha, late of Sofia. Her ambition is to avenge her sire's diablerie at the hands of Boris Melor (I am assured that evidence exists, but I do not know what form this evidence takes), and reclaim her birthright. I believe that her grandsire moves events behind the scenes in the City of Wisdom. She will help you face the oncoming Red Tide, and righteously avenge your martyrdom. If she is Prince when I return, I will bend knee and make my accommodations with her.

Finally, I suggest that you do not rely on Archon Ilyana Ravidovich. Her genius has been suppressed, and her motives and mind altered. She now supports the ambitions of Clan Toreador. Justicar Lucinde intends to remedy the situation, but I fear she may not be able to do so quickly enough.

I trust that should, upon my return, I find the happy situation that you remain alive and upon the throne, this information will serve to balance my debt to you. If not, it cannot be said of me that I allow my creditors to go to their graves with debts outstanding.

Yours Fraternally, Yan Sirkov Alastor to the Camarilla (His signature and seal, a arrow in flight before a glass tower)