Man with Slicked Back Hair

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San Francisco

Sobriquet: ----

Appearance: A tall, gaunt white man with black slick backed hair and pure black eyes. He wears light colored long sleeved shirt. It is usually unbuttoned showing his chest. No matter the weather he doesn't wear a coat or more cover. No matter the light level, he squints like he is looking into a hot sun.

Behavior: The Man is very charismatic, but leaves others feeling a little odd. He will talk to and even give directions to anyone who is nice to him. He does carry a snub nosed .357 in his pants, and if he is threatened will use it. He also carries a set of brass knuckles. He readily will tell you his name, though no one can remember what he says regarding his name.

History: Wayne HollansAnyone getting within 20 feet of him needs to make a Willpower check. Anyone failing will be swept up in his reality, believing they are a person living in the summer of 1970. Anyone succeeding experiences his reality without losing their perspective. The Man knows about things happening in the city, but all his responses are twisted into his 1970's world.

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