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-=Formorian=--=Formorian White Court=-

The Aslynthi are servitors of the Fomorians.

Frightened rumors scuttle and whisper from tree to tree about something wholly unnatural abroad in the Great Forest and beyond. A shade long banished from the realms of the sane again casts its chill touch across the land. Inhumanly intelligent and subtle, the spidery Aslynthi are nothing like the mindless arachnids slain by Duke Asterlan in the Forest of Lies. Now known to dwell in the heart of the Forest and in the adjoining Winterweir and the Blotkeldur, they do the bidding of the White Court. During the Miririm, the Aslynthi departed the Known Realms and many believe they returned to their home in the Otherwhere to scheme their eventual return. Little is known about the Aslynthi, even by their former Denizen allies. They are lovers of beauty and possess their own culture, music, and art, most of which is predicated on others' suffering. Sharing their masters' penchant for cruelty and torture, the spiders cast a darkling fear into the hearts of even the staunchest warriors.

It is believed that, despite the plethora of ranks and titles (most unpronounceable by the human tongue), they are roughly divided into two castes; a warrior species and a holy caste that worships the Fomorian Dream. The warriors are large, black, and covered with spiny black hair. Their monstrous chelicerae can bite through even enchanted armor and they have barbed, shiny black hooks at the end of each leg; their strength and speed is almost beyond comprehension. Perhaps even more terrifying, they do not have to move on the ground but negotiate the low nighttime trods on invisible webs, which span the Dreaming ether. Attacking in groups of a dozen or more, it is said that during the War of Trees, their numbers could blacken an entire sky.

The holy caste Aslynthi are far more delicate in appearance and radiate a crystalline beauty. Slender and lithe, they consist of a clear, glistening material that reveals their translucent internal organs and neon blood. Their front legs have several finger-like appendages with which they manipulate their arcane artifacts. Their faces can take on the mockery of a fae visage, allowing them to speak with the lesser races in a sibilant tone. Well versed in numerous Arts, including may unknown to Kithain and Denizens alike, during the Tessarakonta, the occupied an Overlord position in the fomorian hierarchy, eclipsing all but the highest ranking Dark-Kin.

There are those of both castes who can literally wear fae skin, thereby disguising themselves as their victims and wandering the Dreaming. Now they go forth in the Winter Court's name, spreading terror, subversion, and death. Indeed, the Aslynthi are quite knowledgable about both their changeling enemies and their Denizen rivals. As the result of lengthy torture sessions with both, they have dissected both groups' weaknesses, strengths, and secret desires.