Voice of Reason

From The World Is A Vampire
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Presence 3

Alternate power

Description: The Voice of Reason is an alternate level three Presence power that compels the intellect of sentient creatures to explore an idea presented by the user of the power to the exclusion of all else, even hostile action, for a short period of time. This power forces a subject to consider an idea presented by the user as he articulates some point of philosophy, logic, or conversation.

System: The user rolls Charisma + Expression at a difficulty of the subject's permanent willpower score. Each success forces the subject to consider the user's point for one round if in combat or one scene per success if used in social situations. This power does not influence the subject's thoughts on the matter, only forces the subject to think about the matter instead of dismissing it out of hand. If the subject feels threatened or recognizes this power as a derivative of Presence, the subject may expend a willpower point to overcome the effects for one round per willpower expenditure as normal for Presence. This power can be used to try to aid a Vampire in overcoming frenzy, though it is not ideally suited for this use; if the Presence user succeeds in making the Charisma + Expression roll at a difficulty of the target’s permanent willpower +2, then he gives a frenzying character another chance to roll Self-Control or Instinct.

Historical Note: The True Brujah elder Numarius uses this power instead of the traditional Presence power level three Entrancement, because he is a follower of the Path of Self-Focus which forbids the supernatural control of other beings freewill; in conversation, he often refers to this power as Rhetoric, its ancient name from before the time of Alexander the Great.