Elisabeth Sinclair

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Student Elisabeth Sinclair.jpg

Sobriquet: Called 'Lizzy' by her school-mates and family.

Appearance: Lizzy stands about 5'2" and probably weighs 90 pounds sopping wet. At the tender age of 15 years, she probably has some growing still to do. Elisabeth has waist long copper tresses and green eyes the shade a bruised sky just before a tornado or hurricane. Her skin is pale, more like newly churned butter than cream and when exposed to the sun, it develops into a healthy copper tan. Lizzy's body is athletic and slender, giving an impression of vulnerability which with just a few more years of development will mature into a fragile sensuality. The overall impression is that of a copper haired marsh fey masquerading as an English school-girl.

Behavior: In public, especially in the presence of men, she is shy - even withdrawn. But when in the company of other girls or women, her youthful vivacity rises to the surface as if trying to make up for all the time she has kept it suppressed. In almost every way, Lizzy is a normal girl her age, except that she has been trained in the ancient practices of Celtic war-craft and has already taken a life. Her training has been exceptional and she calls upon it when threatened with a lethal potential that surprises her as often as it does strangers. While Elisabeth is most comfortable around other females, she isn't homosexual and this puts a strain on her when she feels a natural attraction to men and boys that she isn't quite prepared to explore.

History: Elisabeth was born in Blackpool, Lancashire in 2027 to Granville and Allegria Sinclair. She grew up in a nice middle-class neighborhood of Blackpool until she was nine when her parents concluded their relationship with a nasty divorce. To protect her from parental tug-of-war, her maternal grandparents sent her a beautiful preparatory school for girls in Yorkshire where she has gained a first class education, made lots of friends her own age and joined an ancient cult of female druids.

Recent Events: As part of her training to join the cult she was required to seek out a corrupt man to sacrifice to the triple goddess. With the blessing of her high priestess she traveled to the city of York to find an appropriate supplicant for sacrifice. Along the way she met a guide who suggested the city's Chief Constable. While initially dubious about this target of opportunity, somehow the guide made it seem like a good choice and helped her workout a strategy to carry out her mission. It was only afterwards, as she stood over the cooling body of the former chief constable that she realized he hadn't really been a bad man and that her guide had tricked her. Of course she fled the scene, but she was ultimately caught trying to leave the city. After reviewing the evidence, a local magistrate had no compunctions about having her evaluated at a maximum security asylum rather than a simple hospital ward. Things seemed to go from bad to worse for Lizzy as she became the center of attention for more than one of York's supernatural courts. However, once in the custody of the local vampire lord, she has felt the safest since beginning her quest. And of course, she would think so, for despite her training in the Celtic warrior woman traditions, she is still a child with commensurate experience of how the world really works. As such, she is in more danger than she realizes and it is the nature of the world, than more often than not, the innocent (or nearly innocent) are sacrificed upon the altar of expediency.