The Temple of Tsaugtuatha

From The World Is A Vampire
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Cairo 1928
Temple of Tsaugtuatha.png



This square room has sand and dirt all over the floor.  There are four pillars holding up the roof to a height of 20'.   
On all the walls are bright painted heiroglyphics.

There are several asps in the room, and two cobra's in the ceiling. The far back corner has a secret door that reveals a tunnel.


The tunnel is 10' wide and 10' tall, arched.  Halfway down are two side tunnels covered in cobwebs and dirt.  
They end in shafts for air transfer from the lower depths.  
The stench from them can be overwhelming. 

There are openings in the ceiling that allow air to escape through pillars outside. There are adders living in this area.
10 minutes after the group passes through the door entering this area will swing shut and require another Find Hidden check to reopen.


This very large room has a single thick pillar holding the roof, and a lot of crates are scattered around the room.  Many are broken, though not all.
There are ladders against the south wall, old and dried with time. 
In the far corner going North from the room is a shattered cavern that has been pulled down in the past.

There are skeletons in the shaft, workers killed to keep the secret of the complex. Psychic numina show the deaths of the men there.
The south wall has a secret door in it, a push lever to swing it to the side. As above, after 10 minutes it swings closed.
Most hold only cobwebs and sand. Several of the crates have adders or asps in them.


These stairs are clean and smooth. The walls are covered in elaborate carvings of Egyptian hieroglyphics. A light breeze comes from below carrying the smell of diesel fuel.<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>> The These short stairs are trapped. Unless a button is pushed large metal blades slice through the area, and spears will shoot from the ceiling.


This hallway ends in