Physicians Bag

From The World Is A Vampire
Revision as of 18:46, 22 September 2021 by Bruce (talk | contribs) (Items)
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Tools of the Trade



  • thermometer (long slender glass mercury prismatic clinical thermometer) - carried in a Bakelite case
  • monaural stethoscope (constructed in one piece of turned ebony with a hollow tapered ear piece and circular chest piece)
  • sphygmomanometer (with a leather pouch, a rubber bulb, valve and cloth-armed sleeve and a domed blood-pressure gauge)
  • tongue depressor (Weeder tongue depressor had a fenestrated, grooved end for tongue depression and a handle with a finger hook)
  • otoscope (otoscope set includes specula and other attachments in a velvet-lined case)
  • ophthalmoscope
  • percussion hammer
  • hemoglobinometer (laboratory equipment)
  • uninometer (laboratory equipment)